The new gothic style St. Martin Church is consecrated in 1912. Over the south tower entrance, an ashlar relief representing Saint Martin on horseback. From the old church is only the 15th century tower left. The carillon consist a total of 51 bells including the original 25 bells from the City Hall Tower and the 3 swinging bells from the church. 23 new bells were added and 2 of them are also swinging bells.
The heaviest bell, an E flat (1400kg) is the bourdon and connected in the keyboard as a B-flat. The instrument transposes up a fourth and includes a low B-flat and a low E-flat. The bells were cast in 1951, 1955, 1956 (the 3 church bells), 1957 and 2006.
Concerts are on Wednesdays 2.30pm and last about one hour.
St.Martins by night 

The old and the new Church in 1912

the playing cabine is just above the bell chamber

The playing cabine
cleaning one of the bells

the practicing keyboard is also in the tower
Drawning of: The new Carillon of Cuijk:

The St.Martinus Church
the situation from before june 2006 in the City Hall tower